Mathematics and Data Science for Improved Physical Modeling and Prediction of Sea Ice
I am an applied mathematician whose career has been focused on developing a better physical understanding of various multi-scale phenomena stemming from fluids and turbulence through mathematical modeling. I began studying turbulent wall flows, which are the turbulence that results from fluid (liquid or gas) flow past solid surfaces. They are ubiquitous in both natural and engineered systems, making their study of great importance. Most known solutions correspond only to laminar flows, and fluid dynamicists generally must utilize laboratory experiments and computer simulations to study turbulent flows. From there, I transitioned to researching the mathematics of sea ice which presents modeling challenges because of the vastly different scales involved. Developing a better understanding of the underlying physical processes involved in the sea ice lifecycle will have important impacts on the environment and socio-economic activities worldwide.
I earned a B.S. from the Pennsylvania State University in Aerospace Engineering. After obtaining my undergraduate degree, I worked as a Systems Engineer for the Lockheed Martin Corporation for three years. I then returned to graduate school and received my Doctoral degree from the University of New Hampshire in Integrated Applied Mathematics. Following this, I was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Washington in the School of Oceanography. I have served as a reviewer for various journals. Other academic service activities include organizing a workshop on modeling the granular nature of sea ice. Currently I am a faculty member at Saint Michael's College in Vermont.
I aim to provide students with engaging and discovery-based learning experiences in a theory-driven course. My primary goal is for students to learn the skills needed to think about the deeper meaning of a solution and examine the effects small changes can have on a system. From university courses to community outreach programs to individual mentoring, I have been lucky to engage with various students. I am currently a faculty member at Saint Michael's College. Previously I created and taught a physics course for Freedom Education Project Puget Sound for the Spring 2024 semester. I am pleased to have had a position in the Science Teaching Experience Program—Working in Science Education for the 2022-2023 academic year at the University of Washington. I was the lead instructor for undergraduate mechanical engineering thermodynamics at the University of New Hampshire (UNH). Before that, I was a teaching assistant at UNH for both the Introduction to Engineering Computing and Thermodynamics courses.
Undergraduate research projects give students a setting to learn lessons they cannot learn in a classroom. Students need to grow their ability to combine ideas and concepts, their capacity to work in group environments, and their communication skills. Research projects provide the opportunity for students to cultivate these skills and help them build a bridge between the classroom and practice fields. I have advised multiple undergraduate students doing research projects with our group at the University of Washington. These projects have been presented at different poster sessions and turned into senior research projects.
CICOES summer intern Krista presenting her research on modeling inertial oscillations in sea ice.
Students generally thought I conveyed information in an understandable way and thought the active learning methods were helpful. Below are several examples of comments discussing this:
"I wanted to email everyone and let ya'll know how much I have enjoyed this class! I loved getting to interact with all of you and all of my peers. The subject matter was wonderful, and each class was fun and engaging. I am normally quite a shy and quiet person, but I felt completely comfortable raising my hand and contributing my ideas in this class. I am sad it is coming to an end, and I feel as though this is one class I could take for a full year. Thank you for your dedication to my education!"
"It has been such an honor to be in this class and experiencing both the new knowledge gained by all three of you but also the quality of lessons that you all have put together and performed. I have taught 23 years of high school (physics/chem mainly) and the last 11 years teaching 8th graders before retiring 6 months ago. The learning strategies of pre-lesson engagement, discussions, lesson going in-depth, application of new knowledge/information, assessing model… is so top-notch I wished so much that I could have experienced this both in my UW undergraduate career and with my own colleagues over the years. It was wonderful to see such a quality data-driven research teaching methodology for better learning, being structured for all of us to learn better. YES! You all deserve a huge thank you and my deepest resect for helping each other do better and to allow others to help you do better too. I’m so impressed by the program that you joined to do this."
There is much more to being an applied mathematician in today's world than just doing numerical linear algebra or differential equations. I believe that diversity is an asset and that talent should be recognized regardless of race, size, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. To achieve this diversity in our field, part of our job today includes inspiring the next generation of students to pursue careers in STEM and mentoring students as they move throughout their collegiate careers and beyond.
Through outreach in the community, I integrate education as a key part of my lifelong teaching journey. Freedom Education Project Puget Sound's (FEPPS) mission is to deliver the opportunity for incarcerated women, trans-identified, and gender-nonconforming people in Washington to enroll in a college program and create routes to higher education after students are released from prison. I joined FEPPS to help their students have access to education and gain economic and personal empowerment while helping build and stable community. During my time at the UNH, I not only had the opportunity to teach students in the classroom but also sought opportunities to engage with the broader community by volunteering with outreach programs on campus. I was a part of KEEPERS, a summer camp that introduces 7 to 10-year-olds to different engineering disciplines over one week. I also participated in Ocean Discovery Day, which provides the local community with an opportunity to learn about the ocean and the research at UNH through exhibits and demonstrations.
I was born and raised in Pennsylvania. I have been on skis since I was two years old, and as such, my favorite pastimes are found in the mountains. I found the White Mountains in New Hampshire during graduate school and learned how to backcountry ski at that time. I also enjoy hiking and backpacking and completed the 48 4000 footers in New Hampshire. While I lived in Seattle, I could usually be found in the Cascades or the Olympic Peninsula. As a recent transplant to Vermont I am now looking forward to exploring the Green Mountains. I would encourage fellow graduate students to explore the outdoors because I believe that the many shapes and sizes of the outdoors can be for everyone. To help maintain this space, I have spent time volunteering with the Washington Trails Association doing trail maintenance/restoration and helping cut new trails.
I am trained as a percussionist and performed with concert bands, marching bands, and indoor drumlines, but I stopped this many years ago. I have had the honor of serving as part of American Music Abroad. In this traveling concert band, we performed a series of concerts throughout Europe. Cooking is another one of my passions, and I greatly enjoy gathering with friends and family around a nice home-cooked meal.