Research Areas

Fluid Dynamics

I used asymptotic theory to explain the origin and self-sustenance of quasi-coherent flow structures in the inertial region of the turbulent boundary. The theory involves a mixture of matched-asymptotic and WKBJ analysis to systematically simplify the Navier-Stokes equations.

Arctic Sea Ice

I am interested in sea ice-ocean interactions and floe-scale sea ice modeling in ocean turbulence. Our approach is to gain fundamental knowledge by reducing complex phenomena to their driving mechanisms and developing mathematical models to quantify and predict their evolution.

Generalized Quasilinear Approximation

I am interested in an extension of the quasilinear algorithm known as generalized quasilinear (GQL), which was implemented to understand how these nonlinear interactions help describe the underlying fundamental physics. My work with GQL has involved researching GQL applied to turbulent channel flows.